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Arkhtide at Hungarian Comic Con

We had an amazing time at this weekend's Comic Con, and it's all thanks to you! Hope we will meet on the next event!

🦸 Hello Seekers!

We had an amazing time at this weekend’s Comic Con, and it’s all thanks to you! Initially, we were a bit nervous about how the game would be received by such a large audience, especially since this time we didn’t specifically invite anyone. We were curious to see if the usual Comic Con participants would check us out on their own.

I must admit, since we are new at this, our booth was initially the only one that was empty. It was quite unsettling, but we realized it was because every other booth was active while we were just sitting there, having fun playing our own game. Once we understood that this might not be the best strategy, our tables quickly filled up. From that point on, it felt similar to our experience at Virág Benedek House. We had no time for eating or anything else; we spent every minute with you guys, and it was so worth it.

As we observed—and as many of you mentioned—lots of you were drawn in by the large roll-ups featuring Dat Phan’s brilliant artworks of Lord Korovin and Emery Kreuz. We completely understand; those pieces are literal masterpieces. We were thrilled that you not only tried out the game but also asked many questions about the lore, and many of you read the lore booklets we prepared.

All in all, the positive and constructive feedback we received blew us away! Your support is invaluable, and it’s helping us shape this game into something legendary for its release.

We were so immersed in the event that we forgot to prepare some images for social media. However, to prove we were there, we’ve got a video for you. It was originally made just for fun, and while it’s a bit cringey, we hope you enjoy it without too much side-eye xD

Thank you all once again for your incredible support!

Stay awesome,

Andras & David

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